Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Me speaks england tongue very best!

Με αφορμή τη συνέντευξη του Κου Τσίπρα στο CNN, καθώς και τις συζητήσεις που προκάλεσε, θα ήθελα να ξαναγράψω την άποψη μου για τις ευθύνες μας ως πολίτες αυτής της χώρας.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Exit from the Euro. Like we could care less..

The last couple of days I keep reading in newspapers about Greece’s Exit from the Euro.

This however interesting for Greek people like me who expatriated themselves, the problem is far more serious than what mentioned on CNN ,Euronews, etc
I have watched the story lines on those channels as well. What those channels fail to pass along is the needs of the people  ( Edit: I have only found articles in the Guardian that travel along those lines)

Imagine yourself living in a country where you and your kids have no job opportunity whatsoever and that only one member of the family is providing for you.
Imagine that this occurred throughout a night. You and almost everyone you know lost their jobs. It is natural to assume in this case that a basic survival instinct will emerge and will include only the ones that are close to you. No "altruistic" stance, no "greater good" speech will affect you. You have one problem and on problem alone: NO sufficient income to support your needs.
(Whether or not those needs are the remnants of 30yrs of social decay is a topic that I might try to explain later on)
So take any person in that financial state and try to explain to him  about the aftereffect that a  possible leave from the EU-zone and currency will have. Even thou he/she will totally understand what you say, it is not a problem that concerns him.
Your "prognosis" and that of the Media is , in my opinion , midterm or even far into the future.
For a large portion of the Greek population these prognosis say nothing. When you don't have a job or any possibility to find one, let alone in a field of interest; when you don't have any savings whatsoever and no support ( family excluded) why in the world would you care about your currency or it potential devaluation? You don't have anything to lose!