Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Project Eurozone: Failing

The Eurozone is a unique experiment, an Idea that has existed in most European cultures for the better part of their History. In a personal level we often say that nobody is perfect. Everybody has his/hers pros and cons. I cannot see why that needs to change with Countries. But the Eurozone with all its leaders and ideas fails miserably to show the necessary understanding and support that is required from it towards those countries-members that need it.

Staying in a country (Norway) that is only minorly affected by the Euro-crisis I can’t help but notice and remember various conversations I had as a student in Greece. In particular I remember quoting “Where Germany failed with its 2 Reich’s and the two World Wars, it achieved via Siemens, Miele, Mercedes, etc.“ That is to dominate Europe politically and financially , become once again an oppressor and enforcer to all those who fail to act as Germans. And History has more than one exmples to where those mentalities have lead to.

Any person with a small sense of History, and its tendency to repeat itself, would possibly perceive the above statement as wrong. I beg to differ. Historians and Sociologists have said that people that live in certain areas/nations, regardless of what we may believe, remain unaffected by time and history.They continue to behave/think/act as the same way their forefathers did. The reason to that could be due to social reasons , i.e tradition, or more subconscious reasons, e.g weather, environment.
The above can be said for any person from any nation. What defines us is what makes us who we are. 

A few examples:

  • Germans can be very organized and follow the laws and regulations set by their elected, very efficient and capable of constructing very rigid and durable machinery, mainly due to their attention to detail. But they can also be shortsighted and unable to see and think outside the “Box”. 
  • North Americans ( to avoid possible confusion I am referring to the citizens of the U.S )  can be naive and easy-going but they are capable of mass production , as well as mass consumption.The moment they put their mind to something, whether that is an impossible task, e.g To fly to the moon, or a change in Political system,  they are willing to do anything possible to achieve/change it. 
  • And finally Greeks. I remember recently reading through Aristophanes. There I was surprised  to notice that the Greek mentality and behavior hasn't changed over the past 2500 years. Even back then we were all that we are accused of today and maybe more. But at the same time , while being  lazy, corrupted, etc we managed to take Science and Philosophy to it highest level (until the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution). And Greece hasn’t been a free nation (-s) for the better part of those 2500 years. We were occupied by the Romans and later by the Turks.Both of them realized that Greeks are who they are and any attempt to radically change them fails miserably.

Where do I want to conclude?   
The main Idea of a Unified Europe is the understanding and support of different Countries/cultures with all their flaws and positives.  Where one country fails another has to / should/ will step in and assist.  Nothing of which any citizen of the Eurozone can help to notice.
Nowadays the Eurozone is more divided than it has been ever in its recent History. Nobody wants to understand and nobody wants to help his neighbor in need. Instead we isolate ourselves from the rest and blame the "others" for all that is happening.

And the countries in need are increasing.....

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